New Member Onboarding

So you are interested in joining Keith Farquhar Rovers?

What happens next?

  1. Get in contact with an existing unit member (or use the contact us page )
  2. Come along to a few nights, get to know the other Rovers
  3. Read and review our Code of Conduct and Unit Constitution
  4. Get a uniform
  5. At the next Business Meeting we run, ask to join the Unit during general business
    1. We would like to have seen you at 3 or so activities before raising during a BM
  6. Assuming we accept you into the Unit, you are now a part of Keith Farquhar Rovers
  7. Organising your investiture:
    1. We try to invest you within 6 weeks of accepting you into the Unit
    2. If you have a location, activity, or method in which you’d like to be invested please let us know and we will try to incorporate it.

Got any questions? Contact us or a rover who is part of the unit for help.

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