Rovers and Scouting

Scouting began in 1907 with an experimental camp run by Lord Robert Baden-Powell with just twenty boys on Brownsea Island, aiming to teach the boys things he had learnt in his childhood and army life such as stalking and fending for themselves. After the success of this camp Baden-Powell started publishing Scouting for Boys which was published fortnightly and sold out quickly. Quickly Scouting became a worldwide movement, starting in Australia in 1908. It soon expanded to include Rover Scouts in 1918.

Today Scouting gives you opportunities you wouldn’t see anywhere else and by being a part of Rovers you can go in many directions, such as:

  • A boost on your resume with community service
  • Being part of a committee that works on events for hundreds of other Rovers
  • Training that is recognized nation wide
  • Acting in shows such as Melbourne Gang Show or any of the Showtimes
  • Working on the Award System through the Baden Powell Award
  • Travelling interstate or overseas
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